Speech and Language Assessment

The purpose of our speech and language evaluation is to measure your child’s communication skills. Our speech and language pathologist will evaluate your child using informal conversational measures as well as standardized tests to assess your child’s oral language comprehension and expression.


  • Formal and informal assessment of language comprehension and expression
  • The assessment takes approximately 2 hours
  • May be paired with a full psycho-educational assessment
  • Feedback meeting with the school or student demystification available upon request
  • Financial assistance is available

The results of this assessment help the speech and language pathologist determine if your child’s oral language is age-appropriate in the areas of understanding and usage of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure.

Reading requires decoding the sounds of a printed word and simultaneously mapping those sounds to meaning. Meaning is carried by grammar and sentence structure as well as vocabulary, so having a developmentally appropriate foundation in each of these domains of oral language is necessary for literacy. Children who have difficulty with oral language are at risk for reading failure. This assessment will also help to determine what type of remediation will benefit your child. If your evaluation reveals your child will benefit from Speech and Language Therapy, services are available through Learning Matters.

Next Steps:

Once you have contacted us and are ready to set up your child’s assessment, please go here to download the necessary forms and enroll.